How to Upload Videos to Xbox Live From Pc

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i simply noticed the same thing why would they remove this feature..... upsetting

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Same Problem.

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aforementioned and super bummed nearly information technology

uploading petty clips was a lot of fun for me

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this was the way i used to upload clips to my telephone and post them on my instagram which had over ane.6k followers. i spent years on this and at present it is gone

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It'southward supposedly going to be a feature of the Xbox app in one case information technology comes out of beta, but no idea when that will be

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Stupid Microsoft

Why should you remove this option ??

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Yeah this sucks. At least they should go on this feature enabled in the Companion App until they implenent it in their new app. Come up on Microsoft...

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Im Part Of A Minecraft Club And Started A Townscaper Club. Both games Are On PC. All of my Saves On Minecraft Are On PC. Townscaper only Works On PC And even so An Early Access.  Cheers to the Removal of this Characteristic i cant Upload Any New Content To either of The clubs, in fact The Townscaper Club is basically On permanent Hiatus Because Fifty-fifty if I let people Bring together No one Can upload anything new Now. If they At to the lowest degree gave us the Pick of Uploading Content from One Bulldoze to Xbox Life i could still partake in club Activities. And On a Side Note: This New Xbox App only Has A Chat Function and promotes Games.. no content tin be shared At that place either. Besides with the Recent Update On the Android App I no longer Get Whatever Notifications On the activity Tab Unless I Commencement up the Console and Look There.

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It'due south supposedly going to exist a characteristic of the Xbox app once it comes out of beta, but no idea when that will be

information technology has been a month now since the Xbox app came out of the beta stage, nonetheless no sign of screenshot or video clip upload.

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