Is It Safe to Feed Rabbits Spinach

There are three pillars of a healthy rabbit diet:
- Abundant amounts of fresh hay
- Constant access to clean, filtered water
- A small portion of dark, leafy greens each day
And while timothy hay and filtered water are easy to identify, choosing a vegetable to share with your pet rabbit can pose more challenges. Because rabbits' digestive systems are so different from our own, their nutrition requirements are different as well; what is good for humans may not be good for a bunny at all.
Which greens reign supreme for your rabbit's health? Today, we'll be looking at one possibility for what to supplement your rabbit's diet with: spinach!
In this article, we'll be covering how rabbits react to spinach: It's not poisonous, but it may not be the best choice for everyday eating. To accompany that, you'll learn about the health benefits and nutrition values of spinach, as well as receive important feeding guidelines for how much spinach your rabbits should be eating.
Yes! Rabbits Can Eat Spinach
It's true that rabbits can eat spinach, and that it's even recommended as a vegetable to try by MediRabbit, a nonprofit rabbit health organization. Rich in many essential nutrients and extremely low in sugar, it could play a significant role in making sure that your rabbit gets all of its required vitamins and minerals.
However, spinach is also rich in calcium oxalate, a mineral compound that, according to the University of California department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, can interfere with rabbits' absorption of other nutrients. So, while it may be a good option for occasional feedings, it's not appropriate for everyday consumption.
Nutrition Facts for Spinach shows an impressive set of nutrients for spinach:
- High in dietary fiber
- High in Vitamins A, C, and K
- Well-rounded B Vitamin content
- High in iron, magnesium, and manganese
This nutrient-dense profile has led to its adoption as a health food of choice for many people. With a calorie composition of 56% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 14% fat, it's a well-balanced source of nutrition for humans – but not as suitable for rabbits.
Health Benefits and Dangers of Spinach for Rabbits
Spinach's high levels of essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A make it a good option for supporting your rabbit's immune system and general organ health, but this can come at a cost because of its calcium oxalate content.
Because a rabbit's calcium absorption is so different from a human's, the presence of this mineral-binding compound can lead to significant problems when given in large amounts. If only a small amount of spinach is given infrequently, it can still benefit your rabbit's health – just don't overdo it!
How to Feed Spinach to Your Rabbits
Choose organic spinach in order to avoid pesticides that could harm your rabbit's digestive and immune systems, and always wash it under cold running water to remove bacteria and debris. After this, you can feed it directly to your rabbit leaf by leaf!
How Much Spinach Can I Feed My Rabbit?
Let your rabbit's size and weight determine how much spinach you give in a single serving: For smaller rabbits, even just a few leaves can be enough for one day. While for giant breeds, it's not uncommon to give servings up to ½ a cup of spinach leaves.
Just remember to alternate spinach with other, less calcium-rich greens to keep your bunny in peak health. Once every 3 days is about the most that you would want to feed them spinach.

Types of Spinach to Feed Your Rabbit
Both flat-leaf and Savoy spinach are nearly identical in their nutritive value – meaning that both should be fed to your rabbit using the above guidelines. Only buy fresh, organic spinach, and look for crisp leaves that aren't wilted or limp. Only serve your rabbit raw spinach; anything that has been cooked or frozen can cause digestive problems for your bunny.
Final Thoughts on Feeding Spinach to Your Rabbit
While spinach has a hearty nutrient profile, the presence of calcium oxalate complicates its place in any rabbit's diet. Stick to infrequent servings, and always rotate other greens while providing most of their diet as timothy hay. Thanks for reading today, and we hope you learned everything you needed to know about rabbits and spinach!
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Featured Image: Pixabay
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